Year 2019 – New site – Finally

The new site & layout of life in galicia dot com the new site

Finally, I have managed to get a new layout and put it live.

It is not yet complete as translating and rearranging is still ongoing.

But on the other hand which live site is ever complete?

It all works in the UK (English) version and Deutsch und Espanol are at about 50%, whereas I have to admit Francais is (one of) my weaker points.

It is quite fun to switch between the languages and at the same time to realise (no I spell this not with a z)  what works in one does make absolutely no sense in another language. „What makes the dog in the frying pan crazy“ is perfect German but makes no sense to any English speaker, whereas Schadenfreude makes sense and works in both. The Spanish sobremesa – the endless talking just after finishing a meal is untranslatable as the notion of it simply does not exist in northern countries. 

Enough of this (that?) – If you stumble across the site and find any errors or malfunction – please spare a moment for the poor bloke who may not realise (I still prefer an s….) what he is doing and send me (him) a friendly note…..