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Rutas por la vida en Galicia en Wikiloc – Estamos felices de compartir algunas de nuestras rutas favoritas – Todas comienzan en la Casa de las Flores / Mer
Orense – Disfruta de los términos en Chavasqueira Ourense – Estilo público o japonés. tu elecciónMer a Chavasqueira
Panthon – A reasonably short drive and a short but steepish walk – Sitting by the rails at a remote station and watch the sun go down – nibble some cheese and home made ham. Mer – Estacion San Estevo
Cristosende (Orense) From Mer via Doade (coffee stop) to the pasarella of the Rio Mau – Drive and spectacular walk – Watch the video – Mer a Pasarella Rio Mau
Allariz – Allariz is always worth a visit. Strolling through the old town is a delight and visiting the yearly mini Chelsea is a must. On the way back a stop at Carefour in Orense to stock up – Allariz whats on – Tour Mer Allariz –
Sober – A nice afternoon walk. Restored old watermills along a shady river walk, after rains you may need wellies. At the end are great views across the rio Sil and maybe just maybe the little bar is open. It is just around the corner. Arxemil water mils – Rio Sil
Sober – Cycle or walk from the Casa de las Flores to the pottery of Gundivos, than back to Sober for refreshments and return to the Casa de las Flores. Mer Gundivos Sober Mer
Castro Caldelas & Manzaneda – A nice day trip from and to the Casa de las Flores en Mer. Strat towards the Embarcadero Doade, where you can stop for a nice coffee break. Onwards across the river to Castro Caldelas. Do not miss to visit the castle and the graveyard with a view to die for. Via back roads to the Cabeza de Manzaneda. Mer Castro Caldelas Cabeza de Manzaneda Mer
Casa de las Flores Feronius Sober Casa de las Flores – Cycle or walk using small «caminos» through typical galician aldeas. Enjoy great views and stop in Sober for a refreshment before returning to the Casa de las Flores. Mer Feronius Sober Mer
Pombeiro (Panthon) walk – Pombeiro to San Cosmede. A walk along the cliff side of the rio Sil. Encounter an abndoned vilage, burial sites (Sarcophagos) and incredible stone formations. At the end San Cosmede is a little church with an aldea below it. Pombeiro to San Cosmede
New routes will be added as soon as they are edited and available – Wikiloc has many more routes available