Thought one of these words in the title would trigger an enlargement of your normal atention span for this blog.
If it was skirts you are in luck!

This is what it is about…….
Here in the Ribeira Sacra even the praying mantises wear skirts.
I have to admit I had to look twice to belive it.
The right picture is linked to a full screen one, just click on it.
Barbara came home from one of her local shopping expeditions and told me – your majesty – your and your cameras presence is requested next Thursday (local holiday) at the “colegio”. This is one of those “holiday” days you can get in trouble with, if you joke too much about it.
Here it goes; It is GALICIA LETTER DAY – No, before you ask, they don’t do numbers – just letters. It is a provincial holiday where either one assembles on the beach at low tide and listens to a Galegan writer droning on, or, like in our case, one goes to the local childrens rythmic dance presentation, which happens to be on the same day and does not involve letters or numbers, just music and kids enjoying themselves.
Little did we both know that this would be a serious event and would take a significant amount of time.

BUT – there was a bar provided!!! And – the kids where actually quite good and artistic.
Here is one photo that sums it up nicely.
I dutiful took a lot of pictures and will present our neighbours with a nice CD as their kids presented. I also generated a colage which looks quite nice, printed this on gloss and sealed in plastic sleve. We’ll advise soon what the neighbours thought about it.
Now to shopping !!
Today saw the grand opening of our display / shop.
This is for visitors and guests, so they get an idea what is on offer here at the Casa de las Flores, respectively at Zapatero and the gardens of Lemos Verde.
We, that is Barbara, the Repsol representative and myself saluted the display with a coffee and frothy milk on top, to mark the occasion.
Shortly we will update the shopping opportunities on our garden site
Which nicely rounds of this dribbling / scribbling with Explosions.
Well no actual explosion (sorry if I mislead you, well now that you made it thus far please do read the rest), rather the prevention of explosions by bottled gas and the overuse of carbon monoxide. Here, if one has an official contract with Repsol, they not only check any gas related installs at the beginning, they do so every 5 years.

We received a nice letter informing us in no uncertain terms that such a review was mandatory (if we wanted to keep the contract that is). So being the subservient estranjeros for which we are famous around here, we bowed into a Repsol office and carefully asked to be reviewed.
So today I received a call from the engineer asking if I could stand to attention in the afternoon – no sorry – he very nicely asked if there would be anyone in the “casa” a la tarde.
Actually I think this is great, as he checked the valves, exchanged!! the tubes and checked monoxide etc. – very serious – very accurate.
After this, he fought the usal large battle with paperwork and we received a nice folder containing a copy of all this, whilst handing over 65€.
Now that we are “certified” for the next 5 years, we are not just covered by an insurance, we can still buy more gas bottles and use the twice weekly lorry to get slightly cheaper gas (bottles), if that is, I wouldn’t forget the dates and put the empties out after the lorry passes through……
Till next time Expat