It seems that I do write a lot about fiestas and bein merry.

Well, within all the misery that is the crisis and as usual hits the small people hardest, ther is an iron will to at least, every more now that then, to have a party.
Juan (junior) had his communion this Sunday and all the prictures can be seen here on this Slide-Show (just click)

Here even the cura comes to our little aldea.
The local band around Alfonso provided the music and the seremon wasn’t too long either.
Family, neighbours and friends make it a grand occasion.

For the full slide show just click here
Para la presentacion de los diapositivos puls aqui.
Just checking when there will be the next event, shouldn’t be toooo long.
Saludos M.
PS. Choose your friends and neighbours well, as these occasions (weddings specifically) can become a costly affair.
Yes you are not invited just so, you are expected to participate – financially – !!!!!
PPS. Five weddings in six month can easily set you back 1500€
Tuesday, 10 July, 2012 at 12:44 am
I thought the pictures of the first communion were great – good photos showing a large variety of the social aspects of the community. Me gustaron mucho.