Winter ante portas – Se acerca el invierno – Väterchen Frost ist auch schon da

Hola a todos,

Inverno Winter  Waking up to the usual animal noise and to a coughing rooster, a bleary eyed view out of the window confirms – FROST – winter on its way!

The afterglow of a pleasent dream vanishes in an instant, to be replaced by the sobering thoughts of:

– Enough wood? I should have ordered the extra load!

– Food – Is there enough food? Pictures of empty shelves and starved mice are supported by the “miau” of two cats patrolling the breakfast bowls.

Wine leaves
All is not lost ! – The sun soon warms us up and entices us to get out of bed – to prepare for the yearly Halloween party in our alpendre.




The guests arrive
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The first guests arrive !

Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase …. lit up their face….


Paco to entertain

This year we had Paco from the other side of the Sil to entertain us.

He is sheer fun to have around and if you want, he may come to your party.

Reading of the conxuro

After the feeding frenzy had calmed down, helped by coffee and “gasolina” it was time to light the big fire.

This is than subsequently used to light the Queimada.

Whilst this burns the Conjuro de la Queimada is recited.

We do it in all three languages to not leave anyone without its protection.

I just love the part ….farts of the asses of doom, bellow of the enraged sea…..

Sounds omnious in castillian as well ……pedos de los infernales culos, rugido de la mar embravecida….

A full version in Gallego and English can be found here Conxuro da Queimada

Hasta pronto!