On a foggy day in December – X-mas market in Mer (Sober) 2012

En un día con niebla en diciembre
En un día con niebla en diciembre


On a foggy day in December …..  could be the start to a fairytale; but it is the beginning of this years x-mas market in Mer.

Helped by a smoldering fire to roast “Castaneas” – The preparations actually start much earlier see blog post before.

Artesans arrive and start to display
Llegada de los artesanos







But when the “artesanos” arrive and start decorating the place with their exhibits the fog and the mood lift.





When night falls magic appears
Cuando cae la noche mágica aparece


When night falls, in December this happens early, for me it is a bit of  magic.


The whole appearance changes and the light sand its reflections concentrate the view on the actual market and the various exhibits.




Stocking up on x-mas decorations
La compra de x-mas adornos



Please do not forget to click the picture so you can see the whole slide show.

Por favor, no olvides hacer clic en la imagen para que pueda ver la presentación con diapositivas.


If you missed it, there is another market in Luintra this Saturday 8th December, from 11- 2 and 4 till 8 pm

Or why not visit the Rastrillo de Monforte on Sunday, where there will be a special edition themed x-mas.


2 comments on “On a foggy day in December – X-mas market in Mer (Sober) 2012

  1. Wow! das wirkt immer professionneller… Ihr macht einen tollen Job… melde mich bald! Liebe Grüsse aus Basel 🙂

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