The last two weeks we had early spring or English summer. Still a cool 0C (32F) at night, during the day the thermometer easily hit 25C. Thus we where gardening like mad.
Spring officially starting about now has come very early and in full force. Potatoes to plant, the first olives for a future groove to put out and in, vines to cut, and so on and so on.
As a result I haven’t been able to lift a finger in the evening and hence no posts for a while. If the weather holds we will soon have to switch to summer timing, resulting in a prolonged siesta as it is already too hot during 2 – 5pm, so there is hope.
Life in the countryside goes on unchanged, except for seasons, 7 days a week. Cows amble to and from their grazing, the odd tractor moves, you get the picture. So yesterday, Thursday, Barbara decided to go on a prolonged shopping trip. I was a bit surprised when she returned after only 2 hours. “Guess what?” she said “Its a holiday”. Saint Jose had conspired to make this a holiday. We had heard of it but completely forgotten – well that, amongst other things, is what country live does to you.
Not to be outdone, tomorrow is a very local fiesta. Just the “vecinos” and families of Mer. There will be a mass in the little chapel and a procession to the next barn. This barn has been prepared with tables and seating to accommodate us all for “wining and dining”. As it starts at about 1pm, tomorrow is another non working day as far as Mer is concerned.
We had a good Spanish lesson today, just in time to polish up our still somewhat sparse language capabilities to understand at least the first part of tomorrow, untilwith free flowing wine ,all neighbours finally switch to Galician, pronounced with a heavy tongue.
Weather forecast is good, slightly cooler, so perfect fiesta weather, should be a great day.