I really like my neighbours.
You ask for a bit of “lena” because there will be winter and it arrives on one of the hottest days.
Not that I mind the exercise – Barbara thinks I should do this every day –
but just today is a bit on the excessive side.
Those where the days when the geraniums and other still went to plant school in the poly tunnels.
Now we still have some really nice grown up’s.
The gardens will remain open during August – so if you like drop by and visit us.
LemosVerde open every Saturday in August
->> How to get here (LemosVerde / Lifeingalicia)
->> En Espanol – como llegar a LemosVerde / LifeInGalicia
So, whilst I test various ways of preventing any excess energy being fed into the grid we do enjoy running an air con that cost us nothing to run, because just when there ample sun we do have ample photovoltaic and excess power to run it.
More of this soon.