Dangerous times for raspberries

The Candidate
The Candidate

These days it is very dangerous to be a raspberry.

Our friends from over there (ocean) always have to know precisely what they eat.

Although from their size you wouldn’t think so.

Here is my “make up”:

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, one cup of raspberries (about 123 grams) contains 64 calories, 1.5 grams of protein, 0.8 grams of fat, and 15 grams of carbohydrate (including 8 grams of fiber and 5 grams of sugar).

Ancient secret ?
Ancient secret ?

Now he might know that :   Eating one cup of raw raspberries will provide 54% of your vitamin C needs, 12% of vitamin K, 6% of folate, 5% of vitamin E, iron, and potassium, and 41% of manganese needs for the day as well as lesser amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and copper.

So here at Zapatero / Casa de las Flores  we eat while we pick. Once my face looks similar to that of the turtle I start collecting them.
If you can't eat anymore - simply drink them....
If you can’t eat anymore – simply drink them….
Greek Yogurt with Raspberries – Or if you happen to have yesterdays in the freezer use frozen ones and make soft ice…….
Everything that passes the above challenges tends to be made into Marmalade.
Which I think is a fitting end to a fruit and a story.
Till next time…..