Size matters – Being tall can be expensive

This is not meant in any way derogatively or insulting but at least here in Galicia the average person is not very tall. One realises this when trying to buy mattresses (“colchones”) and laminate frames.

It also explains why, when Peter and myself, both 1.95+ meters tall, are seen together in public we inevitably draw attention. On the recent medieval market figures on stilts where an attraction and much looked at. Well the same happens when both of us rise from our chairs after the coffee.

colchonesNow we have a bed that is 2.10 meter long, originally bought so my feet don’t dangle outside. We tried to get “colchones”. 2.10 meter ? That is a special! Can be done but takes 4-6 weeks and will cost about 50% more. That is 50% on top of the premium one pays for a “normal” mattress of 2 meter. The standard here is 1.80!

The solution? It’s being shortened to 2 meter. Makes it affordable, it will fit in the room and our guests don’t have to sleep on lumpy straw mattresses. So size matters and being tall can be expensive.

This leaves the question: Are the people here shorter to fit the beds – Or are the standards just a reflection of average height?

Oh, and they come in interesting width. 90 Centimeters is OK. But than we have to fit a 1.05 onto a 1 meter bed and the maximum width we have so far been able to source is 1.50 meter!

Bed linen is another nightmare. I’ve already written about “toga” and “nordic” style, the measurements are really out of Galicia (..this world..).

Imagine duvets are at least 2.40 meters wide and 2.20 long. How does one fold this onto a 90 cm mattress?

But, there is always Ikea or Internet shopping.

So long
