Today morning I wandered on our new “camino” and discovered one of the laborers and a neighbour trying to price open one of these metal covers with a shovel. Well as one does, I went and fetched some more appropriate tools, like chisels and iron bars. Together after the usual debate, we managed to prise open the lid and he could go on with doing whatever he intended to do in the first place. I left the tools, just in case he would encounter more problems. When we came back later the tools where neatly parked on a bench in front of our kitchen.
We like it if we can be helpful and the people do appreciate it, although they do not directly ask for help.
Our guests encounter little adventures. Our present guests had a great day out that could easily have ended in total darkness. They ambled along a route via Doade to Castro calderas and visited the old town as well as the castle. Not realising that time, although seemingly moving slower here in the Ribeira Sacra, had advanced to the wardens lunch break. Whilst visiting the exhibits in the castle they succumbed to a call of nature. Surprise surprise it went dark and a loud “clink” was audible. When fumbling for the door they realised it’s locked!. Hammering and shouting eventually brought back the slightly surprised warden and they where let out into the sunshine once more.
So, even here in the Ribeira Sacra, timing is everything.
Today we went into Monforte to some shopping and have the tires of the car looked after.
We use a tire shop near the “Escalapio” beside a large fereteria. The owner, an elderly real lady, always takes time to look after us and explains in very well accentuated Castilian, whatever would be the advisable course of action. Today she discovered that one of the front wheels was more or less down to the steel mesh and advised us to change it for the spare wheel whilst a new tire was mounted and is now in the back of the car. Whilst talking our common interest in plants became apparent. She took us out the back of the tire shop where, time permitting, she plants a small area with vegetables and flowers. Upstairs, she explained she has a large terrace with many more plants. She selected two small cacti as a “regalo”. ” I have no time to look after them properly” she explained. We couldn’t believe it but the back extension was constructed around a handful of grapevines. These simply grow through the construction to the next level where they are happily showing grapes.
So where else do you get a tour, plants as a present whilst having a wheel changed? It can only happen in the Ribeira Sacra.
Yesterday we walked through our village and encountered nearly all our neighbors. At the moment, typical for August, everyone is here. These are great opportunities to chat and discover what’s going on.
Couple of days back I thought I saw a wild boar in a fenced off area at one of our neighbors and, yes, this was confirmed and we all marched and admired it. We are not yet sure what the final purpose is, probably “Salcichon” (local sausage). Another neighbour had build a new stone wall, which had to be admired and the new gates he himself forged do look nice. Gates are important here and I think the main reason is to keep the own dog in and other dogs out as it doesn’t work for cats with simply jump over the wall.
So now it’s back to preparing and painting our gate.
Saturday, 8 August, 2009 at 4:16 pm
Wow, you live in an amazing location. What a wonderful life it must be.
Tuesday, 18 August, 2009 at 11:45 am
Hi when I was over seeing my farther i went to that tryer place as I got a nail in the hire car wheel. Good times and a very nice lady (and an old man that worked there to)
My place has just finished and I look forward to moving out in Aug to start a more simple life away from the rat race that is England.
Tuesday, 18 August, 2009 at 2:12 pm
great it helped you and you as well had the experience of the helpfulness and friendliness of people here. Once you’re here drop in, would be good to exchange experiences.