Having missed our Halloween party Less turned up the next day – I was just about sober in Sober again – and dropped a huge collection of apples.
We had thought about a nice quiet afternoon but hey these apples where irresistible.
So Barbara decided “If I have to peel them all at least I want something nice out of it”
Tarte Tatin
Nice…. specifically when fresh out of the oven.
Here is the recipe and how to do it:
A nice big pan that can go in the oven as well.
200g butter and 300g sugar (adapt).
1.5Kg apples (preferably cookers – but just try…) cored, peeled and quartered.
Fry the apples in the butter and sugar until ever so slightly brown (5 minutes should do it).
Take the pan and its content off the oven and cover the whole thing with puff pastry immediately. Tuck in or cut off.
Now shove this into the pre-heated oven at 200C and cook for about 20 minutes.
Find your fire proof oven gloves and a plate that covers the whole pan.
Have someone on standby with the emergency number and turn the whole thing over.
Bon apetite!
PS Expect the smell to attract neigbors and friends
Thursday, 19 November, 2009 at 12:34 pm
the tarte tan looks very nice. when I speak to him later I will let him know they went to good use.
next year we hope to turn most into cider but there are so many there will still be plenty to give away