Fiesta en Mer – San Jose 2010 – La secunda vez

Sleepy village of Mer in the Ribeira SacraNormally Mer is a sleepy village where one encounters the odd tractor and twice daily the “hora punto de vacas” (rush hour of the cows).

BUT San Jose or St. Josephs day is yet another story.

The tenth century saw the introduction of a feast day, usually on the 19th of March. The actual day of the feast may move slightly, should it fall within lent.

It is one of the 9 national holidays which get augmented by regional and local holidays to a maximum of 14! (more details here at WikiPedia)

It all started last year and this year, true enough, we again had our own fiesta San Jose in Mer.

If you rather want to see all the pictures -> Picture slide-show San Jose 2010 Mer Ribeira Sacra
Galicia SPainImpaciente ? Todas las fotos -> Presentacion diapositivos San Jose 210 Mer Ribeira Sacra

Our local sait gets his yearly airing


On the Friday the population of Mer starts to grow. From far (Switzerland) and wide people who lived here, families and friends start to congregate. Preparations start in earnest.

On Saturday we all assemble at our capila (chapel).

 The local saint is taken for his yearly airing along Mer High Street to bless the village.

To make sure everyone knows about it the church bell rings and a good couple of bangs ensure that the long winter is forgotten.

Reading of the bible
Body and blood of christ

A well attended mass is held before we all relax again and make our way to aperitifs.

Aperitives and general mingling

Let the feast begin

The serious business of feasting is than undertaken.

Dinner ladies

No fiesta would run smoothly without the “dinner ladies”

Spanish“Dinner Ladies / Las damas la cena”  fue una serie de televisión del Reino Unido acerca de una cantina en una fábrica y oficina.

Having been sufficiently fortified the “real” party starts.

The band starts
Band number two

second seating and a nap

Oh no – this is only tolerated for children – Dinner at 11 and than the party goes on!

See all the pictures – See what you miss……..

–>> Picture slide-show San Jose 2010 Mer Ribeira Sacra
–>>Presentacion diapositivos San Jose 210 Mer Ribeira Sacra

All I can say – It’s great to live in Mer – The secret center of Sober in the Ribeira Sacra Galicia Spain.


2 comments on “Fiesta en Mer – San Jose 2010 – La secunda vez

  1. hora punta de vacas :)…I liked that
    I didn´t know that in Mer there were so many people.. what wonderful party you have enjoyed!! It’s very nice to see people sharing this party all together
    In two weeks we will have our annual feast in Figueiroa we will celebrate Easter feast and I hope you will hear the bombs since Mer… That would be good because means there will be somebody celebrating it..
    I remember when I was a child and a big orchestra played in the village of Figueiroa named Barrio. We use to be about more than a hundred people and everybody use to wear their better clothes.
    I use to hear the music from my grandparents house… Now all is very different…There is no music and there are not many people but we continuous celebratin it whit the family and a nice meal..traditionally roust lamb and homemade sweets..
    kind regards

  2. Hola,
    if you are at the easter festivities come over and visit us – it’s not far…
    Yes, we are lucky that Mer is still a functioning community.
    So it’s great to live in the Ribeira Sacra

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