Puertas abiertas – Eco mercadillo – Ribeira Sacra – Primavera Musical

Open garden - Plants be ready visitors about

Plants be ready – visitors about!

There wasn’t a plant in sight that did not adhere to the command of Barbara when we decided to have an English style open garden with a galician eco twist.

When we asked members of the Pantones (Group) they agreed to share in the fun and hold a mini market with eco products, veggies and more, as well as art and craft.

the mini market

The prevailing days were nicely hot and dry and the Saturday turned into a nice scorcher. Whilst friends and relatives in Germany huddled around the central heating, we struggled for shade.

Thanks to our friend Andrea a good contingent of expatriates turned up during the morning, but also some real Spanish people. It is not easy to explain the concept behind “open gardens / yellow book” and it often took a bit persuasion so they sat down and really enjoyed the visit.

enjoy Mer Sober Ribeira Sacra open garden

It was also good to meet friends and acquaintances we haven’t had a chance to see for a while and chat about all things Galicia.
After a nice lunch session more people turned up in the afternoon.

The frogs who moved into the new pond (story later) gave a nice concert.

The last guests left at about 7:30pm, giving us just enough time to wash off the exhaustion and head out to one of the Sober Primavera Concerts.

Marko Sevarlic in Sober Ribeira Sacra Galicia

Marko Sevarlic from Serbia gave an outstanding performance.

For more info about Marko Sevarlic and the Primavera Musical in Sober as well as other happenings its always good to check Louis’s site No balcon do Sil

wild flowers

Quiet life in rural Galicia. This only happens if you hide.

Even the wild flowers show off here.

So long