Last Sunday saw the first ever original English boot fair or Rastrillo in Goian, Ferreira de Panton Galicia. If you missed it, the next is 8th of August 11:00m- 1pm – Proximo oportunidad 8 de Augusto 11 manana – 1 de la tarde.
Boot fair / Rastrillo – Un explicacion:
No es una senal de pobreza, sino lo contrario!
La riqueza trae el cambio, el cambio genera un exceso, por lo que es más una forma de reciclaje de un consumismo exagerado.
Todos tenemos cosas en exceso o cosas que ya no usamos o similares.
Estas pueden ser justo lo que alguien busca.
Muebles, libros, hogar .. algunos son de segunda mano tal vez alguna marca nueva … y es una ocasión social para hacer amigos, tomar una copa en Antonios …
No, no es legal vender la suegra…..
Above is my take on boot fair. It’s a great form of recycling of things we no longer need, love or care for (No you can’t legally sell your mother in law – not even on a boot fair, sorry).
Here in Galicia selling parts of your household in front of your house could be seen as a sign of poverty – same goes for 2nd hand (segunda mano). I think we all have picked up a great bargain on a boot fair. The two wine glasses for the special evening, the spare part for a long broken unit, the list is probably endless.
It is simply a way of making space for not necessarily new but other things we enjoy without demands on skips etc.
It’s also a great social event. One meets friends, neighbors, new people, ideas and experiences get exchanged and so on and on.
John, Mike, Camillo and Janet are to be congratulated on organising this event. The mayor of Ferreira had no objections and after this event is happy to see even more of this.
Antonio from the casa Antonio was happy, as it did not rain and more beer, food and wine flowed. It was a great success and because lots of people asked for the next event they have now set a date 8th of August 11-1 same place in Goian / Panton opposite Antonios.
Why not participate? If you’re interested contact this site so we can let the organisers know. There is NO charge, just fun to be had.
Deep rural Galicia may sometimes convey the feeling of being in the middle ages, this can be very misleading. Traditions are kept, which is not a bad thing, as there is also an openness to new things, albeit with a bit of scepticism and carefulness, but…… a good example is often better than a long talk.
See you on the next rastrillo – Boot fair.
PS Tourist info – Ferreira is well worth a visit. The convent sells pastries (4-6pm) which are great. Plenty of places to eat and have a drink. In Ferreira is a road towards Goian. Here you find Casa Antonio where an excellent “churasco” is served on Saturdays and Sundays. As an after one can go on to A Coba the sweet water river beach and / or go to St Estebo (directon Fronton and further on) before crossing the bridge there is an opportunity to walk along the river Cabe. Cross the bridge towards Parada do Sil after some miles you find a sign “Embarcadoiro / Catamaran” follow this and you find a nice cafee / bar. – There is so much to see –
Friday, 2 July, 2010 at 11:41 am
Hi Martin
Can you put on your blogg the pics from the wine festival in panton.
see you soon
Friday, 2 July, 2010 at 12:04 pm
Hi Julie,
I can send you some. Let me know if the email I have is OK for that
Saturday, 31 July, 2010 at 5:18 am
Excelente post, muy interesante. Voy a añadir tu sitio a mi lector de noticias RSS. Suerte!
Saturday, 31 July, 2010 at 12:37 pm