Happy holidays – Xmas market in Mer Ribeira Sacra Galicia

Whilst parts of Europe seem to be surprised that it is cold and may snow in winter, we had a great day holding the anual xmas market in Mer.

The below vido is short glimps of a great day.

We like to thank everyone for their efford and more importantly we wish you all

A happy holiday & season

More pictures are available on the slide show II. Xmas market Mer Sober Ribeira Sacra


PS The Voz de Galicia featured a nice article about the mercadillo and actividades de estranjeros en general

One comment on “Happy holidays – Xmas market in Mer Ribeira Sacra Galicia

  1. Merry Xmas and happy new year Martin & Barbara!!
    I wish you a good rural life in Mer in 2011!!
    Good luck and go on with all you ideas. Kind regards

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