Feria de Navidad – X-mas market – Weihnachtsmarkt – MER – SOBER – Ribeira Sacra

Hola todas , Hello everyone, Hallo,

10  December from 12:00 till 20:00Feria de navidad Ribeira Sacra Mer

x-mas market in Mer Sober.

German style

Mercadillo tipo Aleman

with real artists,
hecho a mano y
hecho a casa


Small and large presents
Pequeno y grande regalos, adornos y ideas.

The taste of German sausages, refined with a glass of Glühwein and topped off with some Stollen oder Plätzchen……

who can resists????


El sabor de las “Bratwürstchen” (salchichas Aleman), refinado, con un vaso de vino caliente y coronada con algunos de los “Stollen” o las galletas ……

¿quién puede resistirse?


Hasta 10 de Dicember!!!!!


Where are we (click) Donde estamos (pulse aqui)

GPS: 42° 26′ 42,25″ – 7° 34′ 25,17″ / Decimales 42,444403 -7,573214




One comment on “Feria de Navidad – X-mas market – Weihnachtsmarkt – MER – SOBER – Ribeira Sacra

  1. we have bought a house in Ortigueira and are enjoying finding out the highs and lows from others who have moved to Spain. We are in the UK and have to do some renovation first.
    Debbie and Ian

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