The fiesta is not essesarily on a weekend or at least 3 days

Again we have fallen for the trap that one sort of automatically assumes a fiesta is on a weekend. Like I’ve written before, time is a slightly different concept here. It is therefore very important to memorise the names of the days not the numerals.

So Sobers fiesta de Rosca is on Lunes (12 de Augusto). Although we tend to know what day (numeral) it is, it is not important except maybe for market days which are always on fixed dates e.g. 8th and 24th.

Most other events revolve around Saint days and local customs and are adjusted by the name of the day. So its lunes secundo semana Augusto, or tres semanas antes… etc.

It is also important to know the local fiestas as villages, even Monforte tend to be closed for some days whilst this fiesta is held.

It can be quite funny when instead to going to the local ferreteria for some materials one ends up in front of one of these huge orchestra vans. Instead of the cash register tingling one is blasted with Latin American rhythm. Nothing can be that urgent and there is always manana.

Today a beautiful Sunday we thought, oh, it must be fiesta de rosca in Sober. Oh no, it isn’t – its lunes (Tuesday)! 

Ah well, we had a nice coffee and mgdalena, drove around a bit, admired the scenery around us and are now awaiting our new guests. They are Spanish – so it’s going to be a severe test of our language abilities soon.

view from above Doade

Until than we are going to enjoy a blissful warmish day.

