So you may have realised that we had super luna. The moon is at its closest and at the same time its full moon. This doesn’t happen often – next in 2095 or so.
This translates into a 30% bigger moon, which is 15% brighter, dogs howl 20db louder and its a time of maximum locuras (crazinesses).
Which brings me to Spanish humour. I haven’t fathomed this, but there are some good near misses….
The Voz de Galicia regularly has some great caricatures. Like this one, when we had a lot of fires and amongst them the Fragas do Eume an ancient natural forest area nearly burned down completely. It is blamed on arsonists. – Reino Vegetal – Green Kingdom – Reino Animal – ……..

This one reads – Mothersday – To the mother of all crisises……
Cartoons La Voz de Galicia Pinto Chinto
Will be interesting now that the Merkosy is at an end the Spanish and other governments have to look for someone else to blame whilst desperately trying to avoid a n election result like the one in Greece.
The Spanish burocracy is the number one in the world. It has to be, how else can someone explain to me that in the province Ourense one needs a projecto tecnico (Technical project involving engineers and lots of stamps) to put up a temporary electric fence.
Here is the original article in Ourense digital
Spain is in deep crisis, what better way out of it than institute more laws and decrees.
The latest for regulating tourism. We have to pay 65€ for being reregistered (re!! we are registered already…), now need more paperwork, a proyecto technico, which translates into 1:100 plans drawn by an architect, etc. Who is going to pay for this – You dear tourist – Hope you can afford it. Please do come – as one tourist family visiting Spain keeps a Functionario family employed for a year and probably beyond.
Never fear – I still like living here and would not want to move. Just some times one wishes that people charged with looking after our society would have some sense as well and not just getting paid to dream up new regulations. Leaving you with another cartoon from the Voz.
Monday, 7 May, 2012 at 8:59 pm
je je muy bueno… A veces sería mejor solo observar la luna…