These days it is very dangerous to be a raspberry. Our friends from over there (ocean) always have to know precisely what they eat. Although from their size you wouldn’t think so. Here is my “make up”: According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, one cup of raspberries (about 123 grams) contains 64 calories, 1.5…
Gardening in Galicia. Experiences whilst recrating a UK yellow book garden and start a large vegetable plot.
Who is painting the morning Sky? Wer malt denn da am Himmel ?
Good morning ! On these brilliant frosty morning skies the painting of trails is very prominent. Have you ever wondered where the contrails or vapor trails are leading to ? or where they from ? NATS national air traffic control of the UK have made a great visualization of a days flight movements here in…
The wet days of January – Wet yes – Dull NO – but partially vegan
We seem to inherit – no not monetary wealth BUT nice people. Jeff and Elaine had a German couple Steffen & Karin house sitting. Long story short, it turned out they both are travelling on a sabbatical (year) and Steffen had to go back to Germany for 10 days to attend urgent business. Just in…