Life here in Galicia is hotting up. Next week average of 32C is predicted. Just when I came round to take my first selfie what do I read in the news? The Kremlin is starting to ban public selfies. They have created a whole bunch of pictos to enforce…
Where is what
Who is painting the morning Sky? Wer malt denn da am Himmel ?
Good morning ! On these brilliant frosty morning skies the painting of trails is very prominent. Have you ever wondered where the contrails or vapor trails are leading to ? or where they from ? NATS national air traffic control of the UK have made a great visualization of a days flight movements here in…
La Vuelta Espana 2013 Empeza en Sober !!! Ribeira Sacra
Tomorrow, Wednesday the 28th, the Vuelta Espana 2013 will start in Sober. This will put the Ribeira Sacra on the map, at least for people who have an interest in cycling. Further information is here It should be an event that puts us on the map and the weather prediction is perfect.…