A week ago we had the last communion in the litle chapel in Mer. No more kids in that age range. Unfortunately the next up may be bodas ….. Family, friends & neighbours assemble and when was the last time you have seen a queue in front of a church? The cure was in high…
Where is what
Nuestros sentimientos están con las familias, los amigos y las personas afectadas por esta tragedia
These are sad days for Galicia. Just two years after finally the forgotten north west corner had been given a reasonable rail link, a major disaster happened, just outside Santiago de Compostela. A train travelling from Madrid to Ferrol derailed at high speed in a corner just outside Santiago. About 1/3 of the estimated 200+…
Have you smiled – Toll on Photons – Ha sonreído – Peaje de Fotones –
I hope you smiled last Monday at about 8:45pm local time – Cassini – the NASA satellite / probe, which is circling Saturn, took a new picture of the space including Earth. Now with the ability of advanced facial recognition any government could determine if you where outside at that time and if you smiled…