We seem to inherit – no not monetary wealth BUT nice people. Jeff and Elaine had a German couple Steffen & Karin house sitting. Long story short, it turned out they both are travelling on a sabbatical (year) and Steffen had to go back to Germany for 10 days to attend urgent business. Just in…
All our experiences tips and trick as well as sources for renovation projects
How to start a new year – Gengalic style……
well one way is to have good friends around and even better have friends who can cook. The custom of the 3 reyes singers is still upheld in our parish – After all this exitement and having to go to Germany for a funeral we…
Project “Bauwagen” – Proyecto “Bauwagen” – Casa con ruedas – Shepherds hut
As we had nice helpers from workaway and helpx this year we thought about the arrangements for the next year when we would like to again welcome helpers but also would like to rent out our now fully licnsed holiday house. This we used to “park” the helpers in, but we need to recuperate the…