Good morning ! On these brilliant frosty morning skies the painting of trails is very prominent. Have you ever wondered where the contrails or vapor trails are leading to ? or where they from ? NATS national air traffic control of the UK have made a great visualization of a days flight movements here in…
Posts Tagged with garden
Electricity, mice and other bug(bears) – Electricidad, ratones y pesadillas – Ribeira sacra
Some of our visitors commented on that I must be a fairly good electrician, because the better you are in your job the worse is the home install. What can I say, it is certainly safer and less tangled, whereas this bloke faces a slight nightmare.Yes this is Delhi India, but if you…
Functionarios get a shorter nap and a legal flower quiz
According to recent articles los 11.000 funcionarios (civil servants) of the administration of the Xunta de Galicia will strive to support the crisis by simply working 90 minutes less during July and August. First of all – working ??? – Second how insensitive can a government become when there are 50% juvenile unemployment, everyone speaks…