My name is Floppy – I’m the new editor of Life in Galicia

So here you have it – from thick little bunny to Floppy the new editor – A success story!

Floppy new editor of LIG

The name is Floppy! (obvious??!!) They say you should not get to closely attached to animals but sometimes one just can’t help it. Floppy, a couple of days ago got infected with probably an upper respiratory infection. Sneezing and apathy where the result. The others in its stable are sneezing too, but it seems to be of less effect, an allergic reaction or simply the hay is a bit too dry. This one just looked pathetic and being us we simply had to invent some special treatment.

It got it’s own small stable (a hay cushioned black bucket does the job) and within this we constructed a steam inhalator. An insulated vase filled with warm water and a tiny amount of menthol seem to do the trick. It eased the breathing and stopped the sneezing almost immediately. Further “special” treatments like carrots, selected greens, hay and human contact (cuddles) improved its well being dramatically.

bunny and computerNow (he/she? not sure yet) begs to be taken out of the stable at feeding times and as a result sits in a tray beside my computer, happy nibbling hay and the now obligatory carrot. Recently Floppy has become boisterous again and is now threatening of taking over editing this site.

Who knows, Floppy’s spelling may be way ahead of mine but on the other side his paws seem to be too big for the keyboard.

So please, in future, any complaints about spelling or the site in general should be directed at

Floppy (Editor)
Floppy “at”

Expat & Floppy

PS Syndication and reproduction of this story is positively encouraged! Â