3. San Jose en Mer – La fiesta de vecinos, familia y amigos

San Jose en Mer Sober Ribeira SacraIt is all about him, San Jose. He is our local saint and usually lives quietly in the little capilla in Mer (Sober).

Once a year at least Mer in Sober is not sobrio  (sober in english is sobrio).

Sreet cleaningOnce a year the saint is aired, but before this happenes the wifes are let out out to support the besoms in street cleaning.




critically observed

Naturally this is critically observed and commented on by the local gentry.






And, like in real life, no sooner has everything been cleaned and sparkles, the sheep (or kids) come through……..


just when it sparkles



When the saint sgo marching on....









When the saints go marching on………..




What a day!I think this picture says it all
















Here we go - party in Mer the real heart of the Ribeira Sacra

The full story in pictures is here ->  Slideshow 2011 San Jose Mer

La historia completa de imágenes está aquí -> Presentación 2011 San José-Mer

lets party....


5 comments on “3. San Jose en Mer – La fiesta de vecinos, familia y amigos

  1. Nice party,i’m sure the next year will come back to this party,very very nice,
    i love Mer,hugs

  2. Surely you have had a great time;) you have not thought of creating a new Facebook account which are all connected

  3. Hi
    would be great if you could generate this facebook account – I just dont seem to have the time – happy to link etc

  4. Me he llevado una enorme alegría al ver la celebración del San José y a todas las personas a las que quiero mucho y que llevo muy dentro de mi, soy primo de Juan y Tomás de la casa dos Carqueixa y sobrino nieto de la difunta Sra. Pilar, no tengo el placer de conoceros a los que realizáis el blog, pero desde aquí mis más sinceras gracias y mi cariño… a vuestra disposición

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