Well, we have picture evidence.

We now know what Galician cows think about Citroen.
There is never a dull moment in the life here in rural Galicia.
We are now the proud owners of a brand new Citroen, a common make around here, as there is a large factory in Vigo.
It took a long time to learn that the Spanish do not care for automation, at least not when concidering cars.
Maybe it is the stick obsessed macho culture, but trying to buy a used or one year old smaller car that has automatic (piloto electronico), proved impossible. No chance – I, the godfather in the driving seat, determine when to switch gears regardless of economic conciderations.
Buying one in Germany and transfer it with all the rematriculation and all this palaver would cost serious money, so we hagled and ordered a new one here. The petrol / gas-oil savings alone will pay for this in less than 10 years.

The electronic pilot saves about 10-20% compared to a manual drive, is available for the small but powerful diesel and it is fun.
It does shift a bit more aggressive than the old automatic we had, but also the engine is far more responsive.
And yes, we do 950Km with one filling of 45 liters (sorry I’m metric….).
The highly interesting electronics give present range and consumption. So now there is no argument!, just a decision to make – either pass the dominguero in front and rev up the engine to 20 liter of gas oil – or stay behind him/her and “enjoy” a range of more than 1000Km.
When Barbara decided to go shopping in the morning she got an interesting surprise. A local cow had very clearly determined that it did not like the white car in our drive. Specifically as it could not completely squeeze by and had to dump some load to make it into reverse. Well a clear vote…..
Maybe it is becaus it is white. But colour is extra and if you know the typical underground parking here in Galicia and have used one of the sharp cornered metal shopping trolleys, you would not want to pay for spray painting every couple of month either.

Its fun, roomy and has the steering wheel on the left side. So no longer any strange questioning looks – how does he drive with his feet on the dashboard? –