Hola a todos, Waking up to the usual animal noise and to a coughing rooster, a bleary eyed view out of the window confirms – FROST – winter on its way! The afterglow of a pleasent dream vanishes in an instant, to be replaced by the sobering thoughts of: – Enough wood? I should have ordered…
Posts Tagged with galicia
Super luna – humor & locuras & other observations
So you may have realised that we had super luna. The moon is at its closest and at the same time its full moon. This doesn’t happen often – next in 2095 or so. This translates into a 30% bigger moon, which is 15% brighter, dogs howl 20db louder and its a time of maximum…
Open Garden – Jornadas puertas abieras – 2. in April 2011
Well we organised a 2nd opening of our garden or more precisely a small rural fair. We are working on implementing this, it is a well known concept in England. There, the yellow book and fairs in gardens are a great attraction to spend weekends. Here in rural Galicia to say it’s in its infancy would probably…