The vanishing Rio Sil and the Beautiful Demoiselle

Thought this may get your atention.

Vanishing rio Sil - Ribeira SacraThe Rio Sil is sort of vanishing between Doade and the embalse St. Esteban. Iberdrola has permission to install a second turbine (175 MW using 200m3/s water). This is going to be 13 meters below water level. So rumors are that the Rio Sil is going to be lowered 15 meters at St Esteban, thus 15 meters at Doade. At present the water level is falling at a good rate. I’ve read a range of documents, the usual company blurb, statements, environmental impact etc. but none seem to be concerned about the impact on tourism. I don’t imagine it’ll be fun to chug between 15 meter high walls of mud to crane your neck and imagine beauty. Also I have no clue n how the Xunta imagines the people to board a catamaran. At 15 meters the embrcaderos will be like climbing a rock face. I’m also not sure if they have envisaged the extra flow and the drag on the boats. Would be fun if in 2 years time Iberdrola runs the plant full tilt and two catamarans are clinging to the wall of the dam as they cant get away.

On the flip side Os Peares will be more fun as increasing the flow from 300 m3/s  (maximum now) to 500m3/s at St Esteban will be quite noticeable.

The beautiful Demoiselle (male)Whilst stopping at the Rio Sil by chance I made the acquaintance of a beautiful Demoiselle. It’s a Damselfly that just settled for a while on a bracken and let me get close enough. Its a nice male! as the females have brown wings.

More about the Rio Sil and our trip to the now snow free sky resort of  Manzaneda soon.


3 comments on “The vanishing Rio Sil and the Beautiful Demoiselle

  1. Nice photo! I think you were very fortunate to keep her still!!
    About Iberdrola plans ..I also hope they think in all of consequences of their decisions. Eco Tourism, or eco holiday as you say in your web, its necessary for development of this area and don’t think about this would be a terrible mistake. Of course Environment must be respected as well. I hope economy profits will be at the end of the list of their objectives.
    Best regards and enjoy your beautiful garden!
    Rosi from Vigo

  2. Iberdrola fai o que quere co Sil: o río está seco e cheo de excavadoras
    Ourense, 13 de xullo de 2009. Os colectivos que integramos a Plataforma pola Defensa da Ribeira Sacra, entre eles ADEGA, vimos de solicitar a paralización urxente das obras da central Santo Estevo II e un novo estudo de impacto que contemple as graves afeccións ambientais e turísticas do delirante proxecto de IBERDROLA. Dende a Plataforma pola Defensa da Ribeira Sacra queremos tamén alertar sobre o actual estado do Sil, espazo protexido pola Rede Natura, que está sendo acribillado pola imensa cobiza de IBERDROLA. Nestes intres, as excavadoras e demáis maquinaria pesada invaden a canle, enchendo de entullos un Sil case seco, incumprindo o caudal ecolóxico. Mentres, ministerio, Xunta e concellos miran para outro lado. Haberá alguén que crea o timo dos postos de traballo? CONTRA IBERDROLA!

  3. Gracias por los comentarios.
    Es la insensibilidad a las pocas personas que tratan de ganarse la vida mediante el turismo.
    Tomando el catamarán y mirando a 15 metros de barro no es muy glorioso.
    Por exemplo Ribeira Sacra es un Juwel, pero su potencial es simplemente desperdiciada.
    Plan E gran idea, pero justo cuando comienza la temporada de fiestas que comienza.
    Buen vaccacion!

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