More from the wedding in a moment. Just when the calendar turned to September I woke up to this.
Ok, that in itself is not that unusual, BUT a thermometer barely registering 10C at 10 am is!
The unmistakeble sign that summer draws to an end and one better makes last preparations for the winter during a hopeful golden September and October.
This brings me nicely to the main issue of this as usual late article.
Last week two “estranjeros”, Lisa and Stewart, like us living at the former end of the world, braved climbing the mountain of paperwork and tied the knot in Taboada here in rural Galicia.

Click on the pic and get the full slide show.
We met not so long ago and whilst talking it emerged that they braved the usual minimum of a wad of forms, all in triplicate – of course – and intended to tie the knot here in rural Galicia.
Curiosity is part of life here in Galicia so we went over to see their renovation project / work.
Impressive! And, yes, tomorrow is pay back time as they will visit us en route to the fiesta at Cadeiras and pick up a CD with lots more shots of the day.
Back to the story. Upon being told that the actual room, where the deed was to be done, looked a bit drab we spontaneously decided to provide at least some greenery.
So, if you live locally and liked what you saw visit us, best when the gardens are in full bloom, as we do sell flowers.
Galicians are great people and know how to have fun. Before the ceremony we took the opportunity of having “late morning coffees” in a bar just opposite. Upon talking to the owner, who embarassingly answered in fluent English we revealed that we are here for the wedding. “Ah, but you must have rice,no?” So we ordered caffees and soft drinks and as an off the cuff remark I threw in – ” y dos kilos aroz” -. The drinks appeared and with thump a plastic bag landed on the table with 2 kilos of best white rice. So Lisa and Stewart got a bit more than they bargained for.
Family and friends had flown in or driven to the event. Thus some of the inhabitants looked a bit bewildered, clearly contemplating –
A. An invasion had happened overnight,
B. Galicia had finally split of and drifted north. or
C. Ah, the foreign wedding….
When we went to the restaurant and filed into the comedor, two lone Galegans where sitting at a table nearby finishing their Menu del Dia. When I asked “isn´t this like TV”, they said “it is better – no commercials”.
So you can imagine it was a fun filled day for everyone and we certainly wish them all the best.
PS. Don´t forget the slide show – just click on the pic´s.
PPS. Lisa and Steward will have the master CD but if you like one or more of the pics I can e-mail them. Just let me know which ones and what size. The originals are large (4MB)
Saturday, 18 September, 2010 at 4:12 pm
Bravo aux heureux mariés. Félicitations
Thursday, 23 September, 2010 at 9:28 am
¡Buenas! Hemos visto que este blog también participa en los premios 20 blogs y nos hemos pasado para echarle un vistazo, nosotros también nos presentamos en la categoría de viajes
Y no hemos querido irnos sin antes dejar un comentario.
Saludos y mucha suerte en el concurso, aunque la cosa está complicada…