Open Garden – Jornadas puertas abieras – 2. in April 2011

Art craft and open Garden in Mer Sober Ribeira SacraWell we organised a 2nd opening of our garden or more precisely a small rural fair.

Emmely from TanquianWe are working on implementing this, it is a well known concept in England. There, the yellow book and fairs in gardens are a great attraction to spend weekends.

Here in rural Galicia to say it’s in its infancy would probably result in being sued for slander by all the infants here, as it is not yet existing.


So to start getting this on the map, we invited artesans and craft people to join us for a day and start demonstarting what this is about and and how enjoyable it can be.


Emmely, who has long been suffering our antics, joined to present and sell her eco / green produce and to remind me that her new web site is awaiting attention.
She happily put up camp in the new wood corner.



Rustic creations by Lee and family

chipping away - Lee stone mason




Lee and family converted our alpendre into a living and working room with their great furniture and decorative items. Lee used the time to demonstrate and finish  another customised house sign.




Basketry by performance artist




We had the fortune of having a real professional basket maker in attendance and actually showing (off…) how it is done. Just watching for some minutes is mesmerising and the results are stunning.

More about Deborah and her baskets click here

baskets for every day use or decoration









Galician cooking holidays by Lisa & Dawn







Lisa & Dawn with their husbands in attendance set up tent to present oils, caces and other treats as well a

s to marketing their cooking

Setting it all up

holiday offers. Have a look at their web site – Cooking in Galicia.








Abbey and friends




Abbey and friends, a group from Escairon, showed rural crafts.

Patiently made hanging baskets from hazel, wood cuts representing flowers and lots more.



Lemos Verde in polytunnel




As we had no idea that we would just see brilliant sunshine, Barbara moved to decorations in the polytunnel, just to be on the safe side.


Flowers where to be seen all over the garden and quite a few visitors enjoyed this “spectacle”

All of us just inetrrupted this by having lunch in the sun (don’t forget its just April!)

lunch crowd


A view to the tents








More about the garden can be read here in EnComun a regional bi monthly newspaper.

Just in case you missed our latest appearance on national TV in Destino espana click here -> Destino Espana Galicia LifeinGalicia


So long




One comment on “Open Garden – Jornadas puertas abieras – 2. in April 2011

  1. Hi Martin! morgen ist DEIN Tag… schon wieder ist ein Monat vorbei seit meiner letzten Nachricht und wir haben es noch nicht geschafft zu “skypen”… Morgen und Sonntag bin ich am “Chorwochenende”; wir üben gerade “ABBA”-Songs und andere “Oldies” für unseren Konzert am 28. Mai. Ansonsten gibt es auch weniger Erfreuliches zu berichten, wie den Armbruch meiner Mutter + den Fussbruch von Félicia… alles wird bald wieder besser! Ich wünsche dir, Martin, alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Liebe Grüsse, natürlich auch an Barbara! Christiane
    PS: macht weiter mit dem Blog, eure Berichte sind immer spannend!

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